About The School


In 1908, the Legislature of Alabama passed a bill making possible a County High School in each of the counties of the State. Pickens County was among the first to take advantage of this opportunity, locating the County High School at Reform.

At that time, Reform was a town with a population of over one thousand, it was located in the northern part of the country, on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, at the junction of the A.T. & N. Railroad, halfway between Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Columbus, Mississippi.

Back then the main building was a two-story structure, of concrete blocks, built upon modern plans, with a beautiful architectural design, consisting of an auditorium, basement, offices, library, four classrooms, and adequately equipped laboratories in agriculture, chemistry, physics, biology, home economics, woodworking, ad blacksmithing. Since this time, our Pickens County High School facility has expanded, we now have a Band Hall facility, an old band hall building, a Junior High building, a Main office building, a Gymnasium, and a Senior High building.



This school desires to fill its place in the educational system of this county to accomplish the greatest possible amount of good. It is anxious to increase enrollment, to have attendance more prompt and regular, and to vitalize the actual work of departments to build and enhance the development of our students. The faculty of this school with the assistance and loyal support of the local community, can make the school do a more definite work in the lives of the number of students which will grow larger year after year. To this end, we are anxious to attract the attention of ambitious boys and girls of high school age from all parts of Pickens County.

The high school belongs to the people of Pickens County. It was located for your convenience and the privilege of your boys and girls. County pride requires you to patronize your county institutions, and your school will be just as great as you make it, and no better. Those who are directing the Pickens County High School have its aim clearly in view and are putting forth every effort to make it serve you.



Our Vision...

To provide a positive, safe environment that produces respectful, responsible leaders with strong moral values.